Feathering my nest.
Many artists are introverts and chose the let their art speak for the. As such, isolating and distancing for an unknown amount of time isn’t as scary for us as our extrovert brethren. I am scared—I am not ashamed to admit it. Not necessarily for myself, but for the world, for the nation. To that end, I spent today in quiet and comforting pursuits: finally sewing up the pillow kit that I got from Liberty of London, making chicken soup completely from scratch, crocheting, reading, drinking tea.
Tomorrow begins “the new normal” for many of us: working remotely, calling into virtual meetings, prioritizing work. I intend to make nightly quilting or design practice a part of that normalcy. My first priority is assembling the components of my self-portrait. The next joyful task is working on taking my current commission off the design board and into more refined pattern pieces and fabric.