Artist as Art

Oceans? No problem? Fur? Bring it on. Skin? Facial expressions? Now, there’s a challenge.

Textiles can capture many things, but one of the most difficult is people. After all, you don’t want a piece to end up looking like one of the frightening face tattoos! I’ve decided to take the plunge and create my first “person” portrait. Norman Rockwell-style, I figured that I was the best place to start.

First comes the concept which can be tricky. I have recently been subjected to many medical appointments and wanted to capture the feeling of being disconnected from and disassociated with yourself. I have MS, but that’s not all that defines me. My love of Shakespeare, my fondness for a great cup of tea, my nonstop desire to travel, the very medium of my work are the things that make me who I am along with the desire to create and improve. Poof! Concept sorted.

The background will be an MRI image of my brain, but instead of typical lesions, I am going to work in those things that I love. The foreground will be me, of course, in all my nerdy glory. Polka dots will play a major part in the piece (anyone who knows me well knows that is my signature pattern) as well as multiple textures and textiles.


Choosing textiles: my favorite part!

A blend of silk, leather, wool, cotton, and chiffon. This should be fun. Stay tuned.


Brain Surgery