Sewing for Sanity

Sewing is typically my refuge—the place where I get away from the real world, Unfortunately, for the 7 weeks, my house has been the real world. The first couple of weeks, I couldn’t make myself do anything creative. I had a commission to complete and large-scale project to work on, but simply couldn’t walk through the door. Then, suddenly, seamstresses were in high demand to make masks. I spent the hours that I was not working from home measuring fabric and elastic, stitching, pleating. All the sewists that I know were and are doing the same.Going into the studio had become work. My projects languished. After 200 masks, I stepped away and started to sew for me again. Lenny the Dog was completed, I meditatively hand-stitched on my velvet highway. I made a quilt square for a crafting group. I was inspired by a friends photo that begged to be translated into fabric (more on that later.) My mojo is back. I am taking a personal day tomorrow to rest my mind, sew, and bake—in short, to feed my soul.


All by myself…